What I’ve Learnt from YouTube So Far

what i've learnt from youtube

4 months – 18 videos in and dare I say a blossoming love for editing?! Although I’m still a a noob when it comes to YouTube I’m slowly starting to find my footing and get into a grove when it comes to filming and editing my videos. Now by no means am I a YouTuber aficionado but I thought I would weigh in with my two cents of what I’ve learnt so far:

  • Being yourself is the best approach to take. Friends that have seen my videos have encouraged me not to hold back, embrace my personality and quirks as it’s what makes me unique. The times when I find myself acting more natural are the videos I end up loving the most
  • If you are going to start a channel, make sure you are ready. I’m talking about committing to a schedule of uploads so you can be consistent on when you share new content. The YouTube game is fast paced so check your priorities and see if this is realistically something you can take on
  • You don’t need fancy equipment. Yes a studio light helps you to be more flexible in terms of what time of the day you film, but it shouldn’t hold you back from giving it a go :)
  • Spreadsheets/lists are your best friends. Remembered to fill out the description box? Have you put in an annotation at the end for your previous video? It can be easy to forget all the admin that goes alongside a video so organisation is key
  • They is no right or wrong formula. Just like blogging, don’t compare yourself. As long as you are happy and proud with the content you are sharing that is the most important thing
  • Find your groove. Some channels are known for professionally edited and put together videos, some are known for their laid-back vlogs. Find a style that you feel comfortable with and stick with that
  • You can’t get it right every time. And that’s alrite!

After initially being super nervous of breaking back out into the world of YouTube, looking at the fantastic channels out there it can be a daunting place! However embracing the unknown, pushing my boundaries and simply giving it a go has been a heck of a lot of fun! If you don’t already, make sure you head over to my channel and subscribe :)
